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what are your options in contact lenses?

When was the last time that you changed your brand or type of contact lens? If you have been using the same brand and type of contact lenses for several years, it may be time for you to learn about the newer versions that are on the market today. You may find that there is no longer the need to struggle with putting your lenses in each day, cleaning them, and messing around with those little storage containers. Extended wear contact lenses may be an option for you like they are for me. After being told five years ago that I could not wear extended wear lenses, the design of them have changed and I now wear them for an entire week before removing them! Learn more about the various contact lenses on the market today to help yourself, find some that are perfectly comfortable and less of an inconvenience!


what are your options in contact lenses?

Incorporating Nutrition Into Chiropractic Care

by Elmer Perry

While you may be familiar with spinal manipulation, back adjustments, and even therapeutic massage, you may not know that your chiropractor may incorporate nutritional therapies in his or her practice. Nutritional consultations and counseling is becoming more common in chiropractic practices, and may help those suffering from spinal problems, allergies, joint problems, and muscle pain. Here are nutritional interventions your chiropractor may suggest the next time you visit:

Magnesium-Rich Foods

During your nutritional consultation, your chiropractor may recommend that you eat more foods high in magnesium such as nuts and bananas. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is thought to play a role in preventing heart disease, while helping to reduce back and spinal pain.

Magnesium promotes healthy muscle function and may help relax smooth muscle tissue to help prevent muscle contractions and spasms. Magnesium-rich foods can also help promote restful sleep, which can be elusive in people suffering from musculoskeletal pain.

If you do not care for bananas, nuts, or other foods high in magnesium, talk to your doctor about taking magnesium supplements. It is important to note, that while magnesium supplements provide many of the same benefits as magnesium-rich foods, taking large doses of supplements may cause to abdominal pain and diarrhea. 

Vitamin C-Rich Foods

Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit are high in vitamin C, as are tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin C boost immune function and may help promote healing after a back or neck injury. Severe vitamin C deficiencies can cause scurvy, which can cause bleeding gums, weakness, pallor, and bone pain.

Vitamin C-rich foods may also help enhance optimal muscle and joint health, and may reduce the symptoms of degenerative spinal conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.  Another painful condition that may respond to vitamin C-rich foods is sciatica.

Sciatic nerve problems can cause excruciating pain in your lower back, hip area, buttocks, knees, and legs. Once vitamin C dampens the inflammation of the sciatic nerve and its surrounding structures, pain may subside.

If you consume large amounts of caffeine daily, or a daily aspirin, you may need more vitamin C. Caffeine is a diuretic, which causes frequent urination, and because of this, vitamin C may be flushed out of your system before it gets a chance to work. Also, aspirin can inhibit the absorption of vitamin C, so you may need to consume slightly more to compensate for the effects of aspirin. 

If you are seeking effective alternatives to musculoskeletal pain, make an appointment with your chiropractor. In addition to "hands-on" treatment options, your chiropractor physician may recommend nutritional therapies to help ease your pain, decrease systemic inflammation, improve your mobility, and boost your immunity. 
