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what are your options in contact lenses?

When was the last time that you changed your brand or type of contact lens? If you have been using the same brand and type of contact lenses for several years, it may be time for you to learn about the newer versions that are on the market today. You may find that there is no longer the need to struggle with putting your lenses in each day, cleaning them, and messing around with those little storage containers. Extended wear contact lenses may be an option for you like they are for me. After being told five years ago that I could not wear extended wear lenses, the design of them have changed and I now wear them for an entire week before removing them! Learn more about the various contact lenses on the market today to help yourself, find some that are perfectly comfortable and less of an inconvenience!


what are your options in contact lenses?

Does Flossing Really Help You Prevent Gum Disease?

by Elmer Perry

Statistics show that approximately 80% of people do not floss their teeth on a regular basis. If you fall into this statistic, you should be aware that you may be putting yourself at a higher risk of developing gum disease by not flossing. Flossing is an important step in good oral care, and it can help you prevent gum disease if you start doing it regularly.

How does flossing help?

Flossing may not seem like a big deal to you, but it serves a vital role your tooth brushing habits cannot fill. When you floss, you are cleaning out the areas between all your teeth. As you do this, it also cleans the gum lines between your teeth.

This is something you should do at least once each day, and you can do it before or after you brush your teeth.

What happens when you do not floss?

When you brush your teeth, you are removing plaque and bacteria from your teeth, and when you floss you are also removing plaque and bacteria. If you do not floss, the food left between your teeth will turn into bacteria. If this bacteria remains on your teeth and gums for too long, it begins to turn into acid. This acid turns into plaque and tartar, and this is what destroys your teeth. Without flossing, you are putting your teeth and gums at risk for a variety of different problems.

How does this lead to gum disease?

A lack of flossing can lead to gum disease, receding gums, and cavities, and this is primarily because of the damage the bacteria in your mouth can do. As the bacteria turns to plaque and tartar, it begins eating away at your teeth and gums. This leads to decay on teeth, which can spread if left untreated.

The acid in tartar will also begin destroying your gums. This often begins with red, swollen gums. After that, it can lead to a loss of gum tissue, which is referred to as receding gums, and this causes gum disease.

Treating a cavity on a tooth is relatively simple, but treating gum disease is much harder. If you can prevent this from happening, you will never have to worry about going through dental procedures for gum disease.

Flossing might not be a fun thing to do, but your oral health relies on it. If you would like to learn more ways to take care of your teeth and gums, contact a dentist today.
