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what are your options in contact lenses?

When was the last time that you changed your brand or type of contact lens? If you have been using the same brand and type of contact lenses for several years, it may be time for you to learn about the newer versions that are on the market today. You may find that there is no longer the need to struggle with putting your lenses in each day, cleaning them, and messing around with those little storage containers. Extended wear contact lenses may be an option for you like they are for me. After being told five years ago that I could not wear extended wear lenses, the design of them have changed and I now wear them for an entire week before removing them! Learn more about the various contact lenses on the market today to help yourself, find some that are perfectly comfortable and less of an inconvenience!


what are your options in contact lenses?

Don't Let Your Wheelchair Limit You: Portable Wheelchair Ramps

by Elmer Perry

Traveling when you have a disability that requires you to use a wheelchair can be worrisome.  Public areas are required to following ADA regulations, and therefore will be able to accommodate your wheelchair or scooter (such as those offered by Lincoln Mobility).  However, visiting friends or loved ones might pose a problem, as there may be stairs or other obstacles to overcome.  Portable wheelchair ramps are a solution for this problem.

How a Portable Wheelchair Ramp Can Help

Entering and Exiting Vehicles

How a wheelchair bound person enters and exits a vehicle depends greatly on the person and the disability.  Some people are able to transfer themselves in and out of a car using a type of transfer device.  This device enables the person to scoot themselves from their chair to the car. 

Others are unable to transfer themselves in and out of the vehicle.  A portable wheelchair ramp can come in handy to assist entry and exit into vans and SUV's. 

Entering and Exiting a Home

Many homes have stairs at their points of entry.  Visiting a loved one who is not set up to accommodate a wheelchair can pose a problem when attempting to simply enter the home. A portable wheelchair ramp will help a wheelchair bound person gain access to the home.

Choosing an Appropriate Portable Wheelchair Ramp

Check the Manual

Be sure to check the manual for the wheelchair or scooter on what guidelines may exist.  Many devices have a maximum incline.

Determine the Length

Measure the vertical rise.  If you are measuring stairs, this will be the distance from the top stair straight down to the ground vertically. 

Divide the vertical rise (in inches) by 2.  The number you come up with will tell you how many feet of ramp you will need.  If the vertical rise is 12 inches, then you will need a 6 foot ramp.  This results in a 9.5 degree incline.

Determine the Width

Measure the width of the wheelbase, and be sure that the ramp you choose can accommodate the width of the chair.

Entering and Exiting Vehicles

If the vehicle in question is a small SUV or a minivan, the length of ramp you will need is likely six to seven feet.  If the vehicle is a full sized van or a large SUV, the length will likely be in the eight to ten foot range. 

Other Factors to Consider

Portable wheelchair ramps fold up like a suitcase to make for easy carrying.  Make sure that the overall weight of the ramp is going to be easy to transfer from place to place.  The weight capacity can range from 500 lbs to over 1000 lbs, so make sure the weight of the chair plus the person using the chair falls under the stated weight capacity. 
